
你可以使用反射来获取 Annotation 的当前属性,以获取应用了 Annotation 的 Method 或 Field 或 Class,然后获取所需的属性。

@interface MyAnnotation {
    String key() default "foo";
    String value() default "bar";

class AnnotationExample {
    // Put the Annotation on the method, but leave the defaults
    public void testDefaults() throws Exception {
        // Using reflection, get the public method "testDefaults", which is this method with no args
        Method method = AnnotationExample.class.getMethod("testDefaults", null);

        // Fetch the Annotation that is of type MyAnnotation from the Method
        MyAnnotation annotation = (MyAnnotation)method.getAnnotation(MyAnnotation.class);

        // Print out the settings of the Annotation

    //Put the Annotation on the method, but override the settings
    @MyAnnotation(key="baz", value="buzz")
    public void testValues() throws Exception {
        // Using reflection, get the public method "testValues", which is this method with no args
        Method method = AnnotationExample.class.getMethod("testValues", null);

        // Fetch the Annotation that is of type MyAnnotation from the Method
        MyAnnotation annotation = (MyAnnotation)method.getAnnotation(MyAnnotation.class);

        // Print out the settings of the Annotation

    public void print(MyAnnotation annotation) {
        // Fetch the MyAnnotation 'key' & 'value' properties, and print them out 
        System.out.println(annotation.key() + " = " + annotation.value());

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        AnnotationExample example = new AnnotationExample();
        try {
        } catch( Exception e ) {
            // Shouldn't throw any Exceptions
            System.err.println("Exception [" + e.getClass().getName() + "] - " + e.getMessage());


foo = bar
baz = buzz