
用于创建和删除整页画布的入门代码,该画布响应通过 javascript 调整事件大小。

var canvas;    // Global canvas reference
var ctx;       // Global 2D context reference
// Creates a canvas
function createCanvas () {                
    const canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); 
    canvas.style.position = "absolute"; // Set the style 
    canvas.style.left     = "0px";      // Position in top left
    canvas.style.top      = "0px";
    canvas.style.zIndex   = 1;        
    document.body.appendChild(canvas);  // Add to document
    return canvas;
// Resizes canvas. Will create a canvas if it does not exist
function sizeCanvas () {                
    if (canvas === undefined) {         // Check for global canvas reference
        canvas = createCanvas();        // Create a new canvas element
        ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");  // Get the 2D context
    canvas.width  = innerWidth;         // Set the canvas resolution to fill the page
    canvas.height = innerHeight;        
// Removes the canvas
function removeCanvas () {
    if (canvas !== undefined) {              // Make sure there is something to remove
        removeEventListener("resize", sizeCanvas); // Remove resize event
        document.body.removeChild(canvas);   // Remove the canvas from the DOM
        ctx = undefined;                     // Dereference the context
        canvas = undefined;                  // Dereference the canvas

// Add the resize listener
addEventListener("resize", sizeCanvas); 
// Call sizeCanvas to create and set the canvas resolution
// ctx and canvas are now available for use.

如果你不再需要画布,可以通过调用 removeCanvas() 将其删除

这个例子在 jsfiddle 的演示