
仓库管理员有一张表(记录),其中存储了设施执行的每个物流运动,他可以根据需要进行过滤,但这非常耗时,他希望改进流程以便更快地计算查询例如:我们现在拥有多少纸浆(在所有货架中)?我们现在有多少纸浆(机架#5)?过滤器是一个很好的工具,但它们在某种程度上仅限于回答这些问题。 StackOverflow 文档

编码器知道自动过滤器在这种情况下是最好,最快速和最可靠的解决方案,因为数据已经存在于工作表中,并且可以通过用户输入轻松获得它们输入 - 在这种情况下。
使用的方法是创建一个名为 SmartFilter 的工作表,管理员可以根据需要轻松过滤多个数据,并立即执行计算。
他为此事使用了 2 个模块和 Worksheet_Change 事件

SmartFilter 工作表代码:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim ItemInRange As Range
Const CellsFilters As String = "C2,E2,G2"
    Call ExcelBusy
    For Each ItemInRange In Target
    If Not Intersect(ItemInRange, Range(CellsFilters)) Is Nothing Then Call Inventory_Filter
    Next ItemInRange
    Call ExcelNormal
End Sub

模块 1 的代码,称为“General_Functions”

Sub ExcelNormal()
        With Excel.Application
        .EnableEvents = True
        .Cursor = xlDefault
        .ScreenUpdating = True
        .DisplayAlerts = True
        .StatusBar = False
        .CopyObjectsWithCells = True
        End With
End Sub
Sub ExcelBusy()
        With Excel.Application
        .EnableEvents = False
        .Cursor = xlWait
        .ScreenUpdating = False
        .DisplayAlerts = False
        .StatusBar = False
        .CopyObjectsWithCells = True
        End With
End Sub
Sub Select_Sheet(NameSheet As String, Optional VerifyExistanceOnly As Boolean)
    On Error GoTo Err01Select_Sheet
    Sheets(NameSheet).Visible = True
    If VerifyExistanceOnly = False Then ' 1. If VerifyExistanceOnly = False
    Sheets(NameSheet).AutoFilterMode = False
    Sheets(NameSheet).Cells.EntireRow.Hidden = False
    Sheets(NameSheet).Cells.EntireColumn.Hidden = False
    End If ' 1. If VerifyExistanceOnly = False
    If 1 = 2 Then '99. If error
    MsgBox "Err01Select_Sheet: Sheet " & NameSheet & " doesn't exist!", vbCritical: Call ExcelNormal: On Error GoTo -1: End
    End If '99. If error
End Sub
Function General_Functions_Find_Title(InSheet As String, TitleToFind As String, Optional InRange As Range, Optional IsNeededToExist As Boolean, Optional IsWhole As Boolean) As Range
Dim DummyRange As Range
    On Error GoTo Err01General_Functions_Find_Title
    If InRange Is Nothing Then ' 1. If InRange Is Nothing
    Set DummyRange = IIf(IsWhole = True, Sheets(InSheet).Cells.Find(TitleToFind, LookAt:=xlWhole), Sheets(InSheet).Cells.Find(TitleToFind, LookAt:=xlPart))
    Else ' 1. If InRange Is Nothing
    Set DummyRange = IIf(IsWhole = True, Sheets(InSheet).Range(InRange.Address).Find(TitleToFind, LookAt:=xlWhole), Sheets(InSheet).Range(InRange.Address).Find(TitleToFind, LookAt:=xlPart))
    End If ' 1. If InRange Is Nothing
    Set General_Functions_Find_Title = DummyRange
    If 1 = 2 Or DummyRange Is Nothing Then '99. If error
    If IsNeededToExist = True Then MsgBox "Err01General_Functions_Find_Title: Ttile '" & TitleToFind & "' was not found in sheet '" & InSheet & "'", vbCritical: Call ExcelNormal: On Error GoTo -1: End
    End If '99. If error
End Function

模块 2 的代码,称为“Inventory_Handling”

Const TitleDesc As String = "DESCRIPTION"
Const TitleLocation As String = "LOCATION"
Const TitleActn As String = "ACTION"
Const TitleQty As String = "QUANTITY"
Const SheetRecords As String = "Record"
Const SheetSmartFilter As String = "SmartFilter"
Const RowFilter As Long = 2
Const ColDataToPaste As Long = 2
Const RowDataToPaste As Long = 7
Const RangeInResult As String = "K1"
Const RangeOutResult As String = "K2"
Sub Inventory_Filter()
Dim ColDesc As Long: ColDesc = General_Functions_Find_Title(SheetSmartFilter, TitleDesc, IsNeededToExist:=True, IsWhole:=True).Column
Dim ColLocation As Long: ColLocation = General_Functions_Find_Title(SheetSmartFilter, TitleLocation, IsNeededToExist:=True, IsWhole:=True).Column
Dim ColActn As Long: ColActn = General_Functions_Find_Title(SheetSmartFilter, TitleActn, IsNeededToExist:=True, IsWhole:=True).Column
Dim ColQty As Long: ColQty = General_Functions_Find_Title(SheetSmartFilter, TitleQty, IsNeededToExist:=True, IsWhole:=True).Column
Dim CounterQty As Long
Dim TotalQty As Long
Dim TotalIn As Long
Dim TotalOut As Long
Dim RangeFiltered As Range
    Call Select_Sheet(SheetSmartFilter)
    If Cells(Rows.Count, ColDataToPaste).End(xlUp).Row > RowDataToPaste - 1 Then Rows(RowDataToPaste & ":" & Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row).Delete
    Sheets(SheetRecords).AutoFilterMode = False
    If Cells(RowFilter, ColDesc).Value <> "" Or Cells(RowFilter, ColLocation).Value <> "" Or Cells(RowFilter, ColActn).Value <> "" Then ' 1. If Cells(RowFilter, ColDesc).Value <> "" Or Cells(RowFilter, ColLocation).Value <> "" Or Cells(RowFilter, ColActn).Value <> ""
    With Sheets(SheetRecords).UsedRange
    If Sheets(SheetSmartFilter).Cells(RowFilter, ColDesc).Value <> "" Then .AutoFilter Field:=General_Functions_Find_Title(SheetRecords, TitleDesc, IsNeededToExist:=True, IsWhole:=True).Column, Criteria1:=Sheets(SheetSmartFilter).Cells(RowFilter, ColDesc).Value
    If Sheets(SheetSmartFilter).Cells(RowFilter, ColLocation).Value <> "" Then .AutoFilter Field:=General_Functions_Find_Title(SheetRecords, TitleLocation, IsNeededToExist:=True, IsWhole:=True).Column, Criteria1:=Sheets(SheetSmartFilter).Cells(RowFilter, ColLocation).Value
    If Sheets(SheetSmartFilter).Cells(RowFilter, ColActn).Value <> "" Then .AutoFilter Field:=General_Functions_Find_Title(SheetRecords, TitleActn, IsNeededToExist:=True, IsWhole:=True).Column, Criteria1:=Sheets(SheetSmartFilter).Cells(RowFilter, ColActn).Value
    'If we don't use a filter we would need to use a cycle For/to or For/Each Cell in range
    'to determine whether or not the row meets the criteria that we are looking and then
    'save it on an array, collection, dictionary, etc
    'IG: For CounterRow = 2 To TotalRows
    'If Sheets(SheetSmartFilter).Cells(RowFilter, ColDesc).Value <> "" and Sheets(SheetRecords).cells(CounterRow,ColDescInRecords).Value= Sheets(SheetSmartFilter).Cells(RowFilter, ColDesc).Value then
    'Redim Preserve MyUnecessaryArray(UnecessaryNumber) ''Save to array: (UnecessaryNumber)=MyUnecessaryArray. Or in a dictionary, etc. At the end, we would transpose this values into the sheet, at the end
    'both are the same, but, just try to see the time invested on each logic.
    If .Cells(1, 1).End(xlDown).Value <> "" Then Set RangeFiltered = .Rows("2:" & Sheets(SheetRecords).Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
    'If it is not <>"" means that there was not filtered data!
    If RangeFiltered Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Err01Inventory_Filter: No data was found with the given criteria!", vbCritical: Call ExcelNormal: End
    RangeFiltered.Copy Destination:=Cells(RowDataToPaste, ColDataToPaste)
    TotalQty = Cells(Rows.Count, ColQty).End(xlUp).Row
    For CounterQty = RowDataToPaste + 1 To TotalQty
    If Cells(CounterQty, ColActn).Value = "In" Then ' 2. If Cells(CounterQty, ColActn).Value = "In"
    TotalIn = Cells(CounterQty, ColQty).Value + TotalIn
    ElseIf Cells(CounterQty, ColActn).Value = "Out" Then ' 2. If Cells(CounterQty, ColActn).Value = "In"
    TotalOut = Cells(CounterQty, ColQty).Value + TotalOut
    End If ' 2. If Cells(CounterQty, ColActn).Value = "In"
    Next CounterQty
    Range(RangeInResult).Value = TotalIn
    Range(RangeOutResult).Value = -(TotalOut)
    End With
    End If ' 1. If Cells(RowFilter, ColDesc).Value <> "" Or Cells(RowFilter, ColLocation).Value <> "" Or Cells(RowFilter, ColActn).Value <> ""
End Sub


正如我们在上一张图片中看到的那样,这项任务很容易实现。通过使用自动过滤器,提供了一个只需几秒钟计算的解决方案***,很容易向用户解释 - 因为他/他熟悉这个命令 - 并且对编码器采取了几行。***