将 RichText 添加到单元格

通过添加到单元格的 RichText 集合属性,应单独添加要使用不同格式的文本的每个元素。

var cell = ws.Cells[1,1];
cell.IsRichText = true;     // Cell contains RichText rather than basic values
cell.Style.WrapText = true; // Required to honor new lines

var title = cell.RichText.Add("This is my title");
var text = cell.RichText.Add("\nAnd this is my text");


但是,在格式化文本时,此行为可能会造成一些混淆。使用上面的示例,以下代码将使单元格 Bold 和 Italic 中的所有文本 - 这不是所需的行为:

// Common Mistake
var title = cell.RichText.Add("This is my title");
title.Bold = true;
title.Italic = true;

var text = cell.RichText.Add("\nAnd this is my text"); // Will be Bold and Italic too


var title = cell.RichText.Add("This is my title");
title.FontName = "Verdana";    // This will be applied to all subsequent sections as well

var text = cell.RichText.Add("\nAnd this is my text");

// Format JUST the title
title.Bold = true;
title.Italic = true;