

  SS5: string[5]; {a shortstring of 5 chars + 1 length byte, no trailing `0`}
  WS: Widestring; {managed pointer, with a bit of compiler support}
  AS: ansistring; {ansistring with the default codepage of the system}
  US: unicodestring; {default string type}
  U8: UTF8string;//same as AnsiString(65001)
  A1251: ansistring(1251); {ansistring with codepage 1251: Cryllic set}
  RB: RawbyteString; {ansistring with codepage 0: no conversion set}
  SS5:= 'test'; {S[0] = Length(SS254) = 4, S[1] = 't'...S[5] = undefined}
  SS5:= 'test1'; {S[0] = 5, S[5] = '1', S[6] is out of bounds}
  SS5:= 'test12'; {compile time error}
  WS:= 'test'; {WS now points to a constant unicodestring hard compiled into the data segment}
  US:= 'test'+IntToStr(1); {New unicode string is created with reference count = 1}
  WS:= US; {SysAllocateStr with datacopied to dest, US refcount = 1 !}
  AS:= US; {the UTF16 in US is converted to "extended" ascii taking into account the codepage in AS possibly losing data in the process}  
  U8:= US; {safe copy of US to U8, all data is converted from UTF16 into UTF8}
  RB:= US; {RB = 'test1'#0 i.e. conversion into RawByteString uses system default codepage}
  A1251:= RB; {no conversion takes place, only reference copied. Ref count incremented }