

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Trying out ports</title>
    <div id="app"></div>
    <script src="elm.js"></script>
      var node = document.getElementById('app');
      var app = Elm.Main.embed(node);
      // subscribe to messages from Elm
      app.ports.toJs.subscribe(function(messageFromElm) {
        // we could send something back by
        // app.ports.fromJs.send('Hey, got your message! Sincerely, JS');
      // wait three seconds and then send a message from JS to Elm
      setTimeout(function () {
        app.ports.fromJs.send('Hello from JS');
      }, 3000);


port module Main exposing (..)

import Html

port toJs : String -> Cmd msg
port fromJs : (String -> msg) -> Sub msg

main =
        { init = (Nothing, Cmd.none) -- our model will be the latest message from JS (or Nothing for 'no message yet')
        , update = update
        , view = view
        , subscriptions = subscriptions

type Msg
    = GotMessageFromJs String

update msg model =
    case msg of
        GotMessageFromJs message ->
            (Just message, toJs "Hello from Elm")

view model =
    case model of
        Nothing ->
            Html.text "No message from JS yet :("
        Just message ->
            Html.text ("Last message from JS: " ++ message)

subscriptions model =
    fromJs GotMessageFromJs

如果还没有 elm-package install elm-lang/html --yes,请安装 elm-lang/html 软件包。

使用 elm-make Main.elm --yes --output elm.js 编译此代码,以便 HTML 文件找到它。

如果一切顺利,你应该能够打开 index.html 文件并显示无消息文本。三秒钟后,JS 发送消息,Elm 获取消息,更改模型,发送响应,JS 获取并打开警报。