
/* finds the next instance of needle in haystack 
   zbpos: the zero-based position to begin searching from
   haystack: the string to search in
   needle: the string that must be found
   returns the next match of `needle` in `haystack`, or -1 if not found
int findnext(int zbpos, const char *haystack, const char *needle)
    char *p; 

    if (((p = strstr(haystack + zbpos, needle)) != NULL)
        return p - haystack;

    return -1;

strstrneedle(第一个)参数中搜索 needle 指向的字符串。如果找到,strstr 将返回事件的地址。如果找不到 needle,则返回 NULL。我们使用 zbpos,以便我们不会一遍又一遍地找到相同的针。为了跳过第一个实例,我们添加了 zbpos 的偏移量。记事本克隆可能会像这样调用 findnext,以实现其查找下一个对话框:

    Called when the user clicks "Find Next"
    doc: The text of the document to search
    findwhat: The string to find
void onfindnext(const char *doc, const char *findwhat)
    static int i;

    if ((i = findnext(i, doc, findwhat)) != -1)
        /* select the text starting from i and ending at i + strlen(findwhat) */
        /* display a message box saying "end of search" */