MIDI 通过队列

// This is a more complex MIDI THRU.  This version uses a queue.  Queues are important because some
// MIDI messages can be interrupted for real time events.  If you are generating your own messages,
// you may need to stop your message to let a "real time" message through and then resume your message.

#define QUEUE_DEPTH 128

// Queue Logic for storing messages
int headQ = 0;
int tailQ = 0;
unsigned char tx_queue[QUEUE_DEPTH];

void setup() {
    // put your setup code here, to run once:
    //  Set MIDI baud rate:

// getQDepth checks for roll over.  Folks have told me this 
// is not required.  Feel free to experiment.
int getQDepth() {
int depth = 0;
    if (headQ < tailQ) {
        depth = QUEUE_DEPTH - (tailQ - headQ);
    } else {
        depth = headQ - tailQ;
    return depth;

void addQueue (unsigned char myByte) {
    int depth = 0;
    depth = getQDepth();

    if (depth < (QUEUE_DEPTH-2)) {
        tx_queue[headQ] = myByte;
        headQ = headQ % QUEUE_DEPTH; // Always keep the headQ limited between 0 and 127

unsigned char deQueue() {
    unsigned char myByte;
    myByte = tx_queue[tailQ];
    tailQ = tailQ % QUEUE_DEPTH;  // Keep this tailQ contained within a limit
    // Now that we dequeed the byte, it must be sent. 
    return myByte;

void loop() {
   if (getQDepth>0) {

// The little function that gets called each time loop is called.  
// This is automated somwhere in the Arduino code.
void serialEvent() {
  if (Serial.available()) {
    // get the new byte:
    addQueue((unsigned char)Serial.read());;