
要使用自定义架构,你需要做的就是实现 SerializationSchemaDeserializationSchema 接口之一。

public class MyMessageSchema implements DeserializationSchema<MyMessage>, SerializationSchema<MyMessage> {

    public MyMessage deserialize(byte[] bytes) throws IOException {
        return MyMessage.fromString(new String(bytes));

    public byte[] serialize(MyMessage myMessage) {
        return myMessage.toString().getBytes();

    public TypeInformation<MyMessage> getProducedType() {
        return TypeExtractor.getForClass(MyMessage.class);

    // Method to decide whether the element signals the end of the stream.
    // If true is returned the element won't be emitted.
    public boolean isEndOfStream(MyMessage myMessage) {
        return false;

MyMessage 类定义如下:

public class MyMessage{

    public int id;
    public String payload;
    public Date timestamp;
    public MyMessage(){}
    public static MyMessage fromString( String s ){
        String[] tokens = s.split( "," );
        if(tokens.length != 3) throw new RuntimeException( "Invalid record: " + s );

            MyMessage message = new MyMessage();
            message.id = Integer.parseInt(tokens[0]);
            message.payload = tokens[1];
            message.timestamp = new Date( Long.parseLong(tokens[0]));
            return message;
        }catch(NumberFormatException e){
            throw new RuntimeException("Invalid record: " + s);

    public String toString(){
        return String.format("%d,%s,%dl", id, payload, timestamp.getTime());