SuccessError 弹出消息使用简单的链接功能

链接函数是自定义指令中操作 DOM 的最佳方式。它按顺序将三个属性作为输入(范围,元素,属性)


element:使用指令的 html 元素。


// on success call or similarly error, warning, info in controller
                text: "Saved Successfully",
                type: "SUCCESS"
    <user-info msg="message"> </user-info>   //in html

    var mainApp = angular.module("mainApp", []);
     mainApp.directive('userInfo', function() {
        var directive = {};
        directive.restrict = 'E';
        directive.scope = {
           message : "=msg"
        = function(scope, element, attributes) {
              scope.message.text = 'SUCCESS: '+scope.message.text+' !';
            else if(scope.message.type==='ERROR')  
              scope.message.text = 'ERROR: '+scope.message.text+' !';
            else if(scope.message.type==='WARNING')  
              scope.message.text = 'WARNING: '+scope.message.text+' !'
            else if(scope.message.type==='INFO')  
              scope.message.text = 'INFO: '+scope.message.text+' !'
            element.on('click', function(event) {     //on click of div pop-up will smoothly close
           directive.template = '<div ng-class={{message.type}}>'+            // one can create different bg-color as per type of message and width/height
                                '<div class="message-text">{{message.text}}<div>'+   //message text will be printed
        return directive;