使用文字編輯器建立簡單的 C WinForms 應用程式

  1. 開啟文字編輯器(如記事本),然後鍵入以下程式碼:

     using System;
     using System.ComponentModel;
     using System.Drawing;
     using System.Windows.Forms;
     namespace SampleApp
         public class MainForm : Form
             private Button btnHello;
             // The form's constructor: this initializes the form and its controls.
             public MainForm()
                 // Set the form's caption, which will appear in the title bar.
                 this.Text = "MainForm";
                 // Create a button control and set its properties.
                 btnHello = new Button();
                 btnHello.Location = new Point(89, 12);
                 btnHello.Name = "btnHello";
                 btnHello.Size = new Size(105, 30);
                 btnHello.Text = "Say Hello";
                 // Wire up an event handler to the button's "Click" event
                 // (see the code in the btnHello_Click function below).
                 btnHello.Click += new EventHandler(btnHello_Click);
                 // Add the button to the form's control collection,
                 // so that it will appear on the form.
             // When the button is clicked, display a message.
             private void btnHello_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                 MessageBox.Show("Hello, World!");
             // This is the main entry point for the application.
             // All C# applications have one and only one of these methods.
             static void Main()
                 Application.Run(new MainForm());
  2. 將檔案儲存到你具有讀/寫訪問許可權的路徑。在包含它的類之後命名檔案是常規的 -​​ 例如,X:\MainForm.cs

  3. 從命令列執行 C#編譯器,將路徑作為引數傳遞給程式碼檔案:

     %WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\csc.exe /target:winexe "X:\MainForm.cs"

    注意: 要將 C#編譯器的一個版本用於其他 .NET 框架版本,請檢視路徑%WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET 並相應地修改上面的示例。有關編譯 C#應用程式的更多資訊,請參閱編譯並執行第一個 C#程式

  4. 編譯完成後,將在與程式碼檔案相同的目錄中建立名為 MainForm.exe 的應用程式。你可以從命令列執行此應用程式,也可以在資源管理器中雙擊它。