
與大多數其他語言一樣,Rust 元組是固定大小的列表,其元素可以是不同型別的。

// Tuples in Rust are comma-separated values or types enclosed in parentheses.
let _ = ("hello", 42, true);
// The type of a tuple value is a type tuple with the same number of elements.
// Each element in the type tuple is the type of the corresponding value element.
let _: (i32, bool) = (42, true);
// Tuples can have any number of elements, including one ..
let _: (bool,) = (true,);
// .. or even zero!
let _: () = ();
// this last type has only one possible value, the empty tuple ()
// this is also the type (and value) of the return value of functions
// that do not return a value ..
let _: () = println!("hello");
// .. or of expressions with no value.
let mut a = 0;
let _: () = if true { a += 1; };