密碼至少包含 1 個大寫 1 個小寫 1 個數字 1 個特殊字元,長度至少為 10

由於字元/數字可以在字串中的任何位置,我們需要前瞻。前瞻是 zero width 意味著他們不消耗任何字串。簡單來說,在每個先行條件滿足後,檢查的位置重置到原始位置。

假設 : - 將非單詞字元視為特殊字元


在繼續解釋之前,讓我們來看看字串 1$d%aA 上的正規表示式如何工作( 這裡不考慮長度

StackOverflow 文件

圖片來源 : - https://regex101.com/


  • 由於錨標記^,從字串的開頭開始檢查。
  • 在前瞻條件滿足後,檢查位置被重置為啟動。


^ #Starting of string
 (?=.{10,}$) #Check there is at least 10 characters in the string. 
             #As this is lookahead the position of checking will reset to starting again
 (?=.*[a-z]) #Check if there is at least one lowercase in string.
             #As this is lookahead the position of checking will reset to starting again
 (?=.*[A-Z]) #Check if there is at least one uppercase in string.
             #As this is lookahead the position of checking will reset to starting again
 (?=.*[0-9]) #Check if there is at least one digit in string.
             #As this is lookahead the position of checking will reset to starting again
 (?=.*\W) #Check if there is at least one special character in string.
          #As this is lookahead the position of checking will reset to starting again
.*$ #Capture the entire string if all the condition of lookahead is met. This is not required if only validation is needed

