
這個解決方案更加複雜,利用自定義 TypeScript 裝飾器將 matchhistory 和/或 location 資料注入到 React.Component 類中,這樣就可以獲得全型別安全性而無需任何型別保護,如前面的示例所示。

// Routed.ts - 定義裝飾器

import { RouteComponentProps, match } from 'react-router';
import { History, Location } from 'history';

// re-export for convenience, uppercase match to be in line with everything else
export { History, Location, match as Match };

// names for the three types we support injecting
type InjectionPropType = 'location' | 'history' | 'match';

// holder for a given property to be injected as a specific type
class InjectionProp {
  prop: string;
  type: InjectionPropType;

// a store, key = class name (constructor.name) and array of InjectionProp's for that class
// this will be filled in by the three property decorators @RoutedMatch, @RoutedLocation and @RoutedHistory
class InjectionStore {
  [key: string]: InjectionProp[];

// instance of the store
const store: InjectionStore = {};

// type guard for RouteComponentProps
function instanceOfRouteProps<P>(object: any): object is RouteComponentProps<P> {
  return 'match' in object && 'location' in object && 'history' in object;

// class level decorator, wraps the constructor with custom one which injects
// values into instances based on the InjectionStore instance
export function Routed<T extends { new (...args: any[]): {} }>(constructor: T) {

  // get the class name from the constructor
  const className = (constructor as any).name;

  // return a new class with a new constructor which calls super(..)
  return class extends constructor {

    constructor(...args: any[]) {

      // if there is a React props passed as arg[0]
      if (args.length >= 1) {

        const routeProps = args[0];

        // check type guard to see if the React props is enriched with RouteComponentProps by react-router
        if (instanceOfRouteProps(routeProps)) {
          // check if the current class has any registered properties to be injected
          if (store[className]) {
            const injectionProps = store[className];
            // iterate over properties to inject
            for (let i = 0; i < injectionProps.length; i++) {
              const injectionProp = injectionProps[i];
              // inject the specified property with the appropriate type
              switch (injectionProp.type) {
                case 'match':
                  (this as any)[injectionProp.prop] = routeProps.match;
                case 'history':
                  (this as any)[injectionProp.prop] = routeProps.history;
                case 'location':
                  (this as any)[injectionProp.prop] = routeProps.location;

// generic property decorator, registers a classes property for inject in the store above
function RoutedInjector(proto: any, prop: string, type: InjectionPropType): any {
  const className = proto.constructor.name;
  if (!store.hasOwnProperty(className)) {
    store[className] = [];
    prop: prop,
    type: type

// property decorator for Match instances
export function RoutedMatch(proto: any, prop: string): any {
  RoutedInjector(proto, prop, 'match');

// property decorator for Location instances
export function RoutedLocation(proto: any, prop: string): any {
  RoutedInjector(proto, prop, 'location');

// property decorator for History instances
export function RoutedHistory(proto: any, prop: string): any {
  RoutedInjector(proto, prop, 'history');

// index.ts

import * as React from 'react';
import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { Route, BrowserRouter as Router, Link, match } from 'react-router-dom';

import { History, Location, Match, Routed, RoutedHistory, RoutedLocation, RoutedMatch } from './Routed';

// define React components for multiple pages
class Home extends React.Component<any, any> {
  render() {
    return (
        <div><Link to='/details/id123'>Goto Details</Link></div>

interface DetailParams {
  id: string;

interface DetailsProps {
  required: string;

class Details extends React.Component<DetailsProps, any> {

  match: Match<DetailParams>;

  location: Location;

  history: History;

  render() {
    return (
        <div>Details for {this.match.params.id} on location {this.location.pathname}</div>
          onClick={(e) => this.history.push('/')}
          style={{ textDecoration: 'underline', cursor: 'pointer' }}
        >Goto Home</span>


      <Route exact path="/" component={Home} />
      <Route exact path="/details/:id" component={(props) => <Details required="some string" {...props} />} />

  , document.getElementById('root')

這個例子使用自定義裝飾器在裝飾有 @RoutedReact.Component 上使用屬性裝飾器 @RoutedMatched@RoutedLocation@RoutedHistory 注入一些 react-router 特定資料例項。

最終結果是 react-router 特定資料型別現在完全與自定義 React.Component 屬性和狀態分離。另一個好處是它們不再是可選屬性,這意味著你不需要型別保護來安全地訪問它們的值。

history 引數顯示可以從 history 包訪問 History 物件(react-router 的依賴關係),如圖所示,可以使用它以程式設計方式操作瀏覽器歷史記錄。

location 引數攜帶有關當前位置的資訊