
// 1.0
// Utilize the type argument and raw Strings to filter your
// execution by the action
function beforeLoad(type, form, request) {
    // Don't do anything on APPROVE
    // Note that `type` is an Object, so we must use ==, not ===
    if (type == "approve") {
    // Continue with normal business logic...

// 2.0
 * @appliedtorecord employee
 * @NScriptType UserEventScript
 * @NApiVersion 2.x
define([], function () {
    var exports = {};
    // Utilize context.type value and context.UserEventType enumeration
    // to filter your execution by the action
    function beforeLoad(context) {
        // Don't do anything on APPROVE
        if (context.type === context.UserEventType.APPROVE) {
        // Continue with normal business logic...
    exports.beforeLoad = beforeLoad;
    return exports;