

錯誤的表單 - 雖然以下(嚴格來說)是合法的,但是工作程式碼重新使用 Find 方法以及地址屬性可能會導致名稱歧義的問題/衝突,並且通常很容易混淆。

Option Explicit

Sub find()
    Dim row As Long, column As Long
    Dim find As String, address As Range
    find = "something"
    With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells
        Set address = .SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell)
        row = .find(what:=find, after:=address).row        '< note .row not capitalized
        column = .find(what:=find, after:=address).column  '< note .column not capitalized
        Debug.Print "The first 'something' is in " & .Cells(row, column).address(0, 0)
    End With
End Sub

良好的形式 - 將所有保留字重新命名為原始的近似但獨特的近似值,避免了任何潛在的命名衝突。

Option Explicit

Sub myFind()
    Dim rw As Long, col As Long
    Dim wht As String, lastCell As Range
    wht = "something"
    With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells
        Set lastCell = .SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell)
        rw = .Find(What:=wht, After:=lastCell).Row         '◄ note .Find and .Row
        col = .Find(What:=wht, After:=lastCell).Column     '◄ .Find and .Column
        Debug.Print "The first 'something' is in " & .Cells(rw, col).Address(0, 0)
    End With
End Sub
