簡單的遠端部署 fabfile.py

Fabric 是一個 Python(2.5-2.7)庫和命令列工具,用於簡化 SSH 在應用程式部署或系統管理任務中的使用。它允許你通過命令列執行任意 Python 函式。

通過 pip install fabric 安裝結構
在根目錄中建立 fabfile.py

from fabric.api import *

def dev():
    # details of development server
    env.user = # your ssh user
    env.password = #your ssh password
    env.hosts = # your ssh hosts (list instance, with comma-separated hosts)
    env.key_filename = # pass to ssh key for github in your local keyfile

def release():
    # details of release server
    env.user = # your ssh user
    env.password = #your ssh password
    env.hosts = # your ssh hosts (list instance, with comma-separated hosts)
    env.key_filename = # pass to ssh key for github in your local keyfile

def run():
    with cd('path/to/your_project/'):
        with prefix('source ../env/bin/activate'): 
        # activate venv, suppose it appear in one level higher
            # pass commands one by one
            run('git pull')
            run('pip install -r requirements.txt')
            run('python manage.py migrate --noinput')
            run('python manage.py collectstatic --noinput')
            run('touch reload.txt')

要執行該檔案,只需使用 fab 命令:

$ fab dev run  # for release server, `fab release run`

注意:你無法為 github 配置 ssh 金鑰,只需手動鍵入登入名和密碼,而 fabfile 執行時,與金鑰相同。