
std::boolalphastd::noboolalpha - 在布林語的文字和數字表示之間切換。

std::cout << std::boolalpha << 1;
// Output: true

std::cout << std::noboolalpha << false;
// Output: 0

bool boolValue;
std::cin >> std::boolalpha >> boolValue;
std::cout << "Value \"" << std::boolalpha << boolValue
          << "\" was parsed as " << std::noboolalpha << boolValue;
// Input: true
// Output: Value "true" was parsed as 0

std::showbasestd::noshowbase - 控制是否使用指示數字基數的字首。

std::dec (十進位制), std::hex (十六進位制)和 std::oct (八進位制) - 用於更改整數的基數。

#include <sstream>

std::cout << std::dec << 29 << ' - '
          << std::hex << 29 << ' - '
          << std::showbase << std::oct << 29 << ' - '
          << std::noshowbase << 29  '\n';
int number;
std::istringstream("3B") >> std::hex >> number;
std::cout << std::dec << 10;
// Output: 22 - 1D - 35 - 035
// 59

預設值為 std::ios_base::noshowbasestd::ios_base::dec

如果你想了解更多關於 std::istringstream 的資訊,請檢視< sstream >標題。

std::uppercasestd::nouppercase - 控制是否在浮點和十六進位制整數輸出中使用大寫字元。對輸入流沒有影響。

std::cout << std::hex << std::showbase
              << "0x2a with nouppercase: " << std::nouppercase << 0x2a << '\n'
              << "1e-10 with uppercase: " << std::uppercase << 1e-10 << '\n'
// Output: 0x2a with nouppercase: 0x2a
// 1e-10 with uppercase: 1E-10

預設是 std::nouppercase

std::setw(n) - 將下一個輸入/輸出欄位的寬度更改為 n

當呼叫某些函式時,寬度屬性 n 將重置為 0此處為完整列表 )。

std::cout << "no setw:" << 51 << '\n'
          << "setw(7): " << std::setw(7) << 51 << '\n'
          << "setw(7), more output: " << 13
          << std::setw(7) << std::setfill('*') << 67 << ' ' << 94 << '\n';

char* input = "Hello, world!";
char arr[10];
std::cin >> std::setw(6) >> arr;
std::cout << "Input from \"Hello, world!\" with setw(6) gave \"" << arr << "\"\n";

// Output: 51
// setw(7):      51
// setw(7), more output: 13*****67 94

// Input: Hello, world!
// Output: Input from "Hello, world!" with setw(6) gave "Hello"

預設是 std::setw(0)

std::leftstd::rightstd::internal - 通過將 std::ios_base::adjustfield 設定為 std::ios_base::leftstd::ios_base::rightstd::ios_base::internal 來修改填充字元的預設位置。std::leftstd::right 適用於任何輸出,std::internal - 用於整數,浮點和貨幣輸出。對輸入流沒有影響。

#include <locale>


std::cout << std::left << std::showbase << std::setfill('*')
          << "flt: " << std::setw(15) << -9.87  << '\n'
          << "hex: " << std::setw(15) << 41 << '\n'
          << "  $: " << std::setw(15) << std::put_money(367, false) << '\n'
          << "usd: " << std::setw(15) << std::put_money(367, true) << '\n'
          << "usd: " << std::setw(15)
          << std::setfill(' ') << std::put_money(367, false) << '\n';
// Output:
// flt: -9.87**********
// hex: 41*************
//   $: $3.67**********
// usd: USD *3.67******
// usd: $3.67          

std::cout << std::internal << std::showbase << std::setfill('*')
          << "flt: " << std::setw(15) << -9.87  << '\n'
          << "hex: " << std::setw(15) << 41 << '\n'
          << "  $: " << std::setw(15) << std::put_money(367, false) << '\n'
          << "usd: " << std::setw(15) << std::put_money(367, true) << '\n'
          << "usd: " << std::setw(15)
          << std::setfill(' ') << std::put_money(367, true) << '\n';
// Output:
// flt: -**********9.87
// hex: *************41
//   $: $3.67**********
// usd: USD *******3.67
// usd: USD        3.67

std::cout << std::right << std::showbase << std::setfill('*')
          << "flt: " << std::setw(15) << -9.87  << '\n'
          << "hex: " << std::setw(15) << 41 << '\n'
          << "  $: " << std::setw(15) << std::put_money(367, false) << '\n'
          << "usd: " << std::setw(15) << std::put_money(367, true) << '\n'
          << "usd: " << std::setw(15)
          << std::setfill(' ') << std::put_money(367, true) << '\n';
// Output:
// flt: **********-9.87
// hex: *************41
//   $: **********$3.67
// usd: ******USD *3.67
// usd:       USD  3.67

預設是 std::left

std::fixedstd::scientificstd::hexfloat [C++ 11]和 std::defaultfloat [C++ 11] - 改變浮點輸入/輸出的格式。

std::fixed 設定 std::ios_base::floatfieldstd::ios_base::fixed
std::scientific -到 std::ios_base::scientific
std::hexfloat -以 std::ios_base::fixed | std::ios_base::scientific
std::defaultfloat -到 std::ios_base::fmtflags(0)


#include <sstream>

std::cout << '\n'
          << "The number 0.07 in fixed:      " << std::fixed << 0.01 << '\n'
          << "The number 0.07 in scientific: " << std::scientific << 0.01 << '\n'
          << "The number 0.07 in hexfloat:   " << std::hexfloat << 0.01 << '\n'
          << "The number 0.07 in default:    " << std::defaultfloat << 0.01 << '\n';

double f;
std::istringstream is("0x1P-1022");
double f = std::strtod(is.str().c_str(), NULL);
std::cout << "Parsing 0x1P-1022 as hex gives " << f << '\n';

// Output:
// The number 0.01 in fixed:      0.070000
// The number 0.01 in scientific: 7.000000e-02
// The number 0.01 in hexfloat:   0x1.1eb851eb851ecp-4
// The number 0.01 in default:    0.07
// Parsing 0x1P-1022 as hex gives 2.22507e-308

預設是 std::ios_base::fmtflags(0)


double f;
std::istringstream("0x1P-1022") >> std::hexfloat >> f;
std::cout << "Parsing 0x1P-1022 as hex gives " << f << '\n';
// Output: Parsing 0x1P-1022 as hex gives 0

std::showpointstd::noshowpoint - 控制小數點是否總是包含在浮點表示中。對輸入流沒有影響。

std::cout << "7.0 with showpoint: " << std::showpoint << 7.0 << '\n'
          << "7.0 with noshowpoint: " << std::noshowpoint << 7.0 << '\n';
// Output: 1.0 with showpoint: 7.00000
// 1.0 with noshowpoint: 7

預設是 std::showpoint

std::showposstd::noshowpos - 控制在非負輸出中顯示+符號。對輸入流沒有影響。

std::cout << "With showpos: " << std::showpos
          << 0 << ' ' << -2.718 << ' ' << 17 << '\n'
          << "Without showpos: " << std::noshowpos
          << 0 << ' ' << -2.718 << ' ' << 17 << '\n';
// Output: With showpos: +0 -2.718 +17
// Without showpos: 0 -2.718 17

如果 std::noshowpos 預設。

std::unitbufstd::nounitbuf - 每次操作後控制沖洗輸出流。對輸入流沒有影響。std::unitbuf 引起潮紅。

std::setbase(base) - 設定流的數字基數。

std::setbase(8) 等於將 std::ios_base::basefield 設定為 std::ios_base::oct
std::setbase(16) - 至 std::ios_base::hex
std::setbase(10) - 至 std::ios_base::dec

如果 base 是其他的那麼 81016 然後 std::ios_base::basefield 設定為 std::ios_base::fmtflags(0)。它表示十進位制輸出和字首相關的輸入。

預設 std::ios_base::basefieldstd::ios_base::dec 然後預設 std::setbase(10)

std::setprecision(n) - 改變浮點精度。

#include <cmath>
#include <limits>

typedef std::numeric_limits<long double> ld;
const long double pi = std::acos(-1.L);

std::cout << '\n'
          << "default precision (6):   pi: " << pi << '\n'
          << "                       10pi: " << 10 * pi << '\n'
          << "std::setprecision(4):  10pi: " << std::setprecision(4) << 10 * pi << '\n'
          << "                    10000pi: " << 10000 * pi << '\n'
          << "std::fixed:         10000pi: " << std::fixed << 10000 * pi << std::defaultfloat << '\n'
          << "std::setprecision(10):   pi: " << std::setprecision(10) << pi << '\n'
          << "max-1 radix precicion:   pi: " << std::setprecision(ld::digits - 1) << pi << '\n'
          << "max+1 radix precision:   pi: " << std::setprecision(ld::digits + 1) << pi << '\n'
          << "significant digits prec: pi: " << std::setprecision(ld::digits10) << pi << '\n';

// Output:
// default precision (6):   pi: 3.14159
//                        10pi: 31.4159
// std::setprecision(4):  10pi: 31.42
//                     10000pi: 3.142e+04
// std::fixed:         10000pi: 31415.9265
// std::setprecision(10):   pi: 3.141592654
// max-1 radix precicion:   pi: 3.14159265358979323851280895940618620443274267017841339111328125
// max+1 radix precision:   pi: 3.14159265358979323851280895940618620443274267017841339111328125
// significant digits prec: pi: 3.14159265358979324

預設是 std::setprecision(6)

std::setiosflags(mask)std::resetiosflags(mask) - 設定和清除 std::ios_base::fmtflags 型別的 mask 中指定的標誌。

#include <sstream>

std::istringstream in("10 010 10 010 10 010");
int num1, num2;

in >> std::oct >> num1 >> num2;
std::cout << "Parsing \"10 010\" with std::oct gives:   " << num1 << ' ' << num2 << '\n';
// Output: Parsing "10 010" with std::oct gives:   8 8

in >> std::dec >> num1 >> num2;
std::cout << "Parsing \"10 010\" with std::dec gives:   " << num1 << ' ' << num2 << '\n';
// Output: Parsing "10 010" with std::oct gives:   10 10

in >> std::resetiosflags(std::ios_base::basefield) >> num1 >> num2;
std::cout << "Parsing \"10 010\" with autodetect gives: " << num1 << ' ' << num2 << '\n';
// Parsing "10 010" with autodetect gives: 10 8

std::cout << std::setiosflags(std::ios_base::hex |
                              std::ios_base::uppercase |
                              std::ios_base::showbase) << 42 << '\n';
// Output: OX2A

std::skipwsstd::noskipws - 通過格式化的輸入函式控制跳過前導空格。對輸出流沒有影響。

#include <sstream>

char c1, c2, c3;
std::istringstream("a b c") >> c1 >> c2 >> c3;
std::cout << "Default  behavior:  c1 = " << c1 << "  c2 = " << c2 << "  c3 = " << c3 << '\n';

std::istringstream("a b c") >> std::noskipws >> c1 >> c2 >> c3;
std::cout << "noskipws behavior:  c1 = " << c1 << "  c2 = " << c2 << "  c3 = " << c3 << '\n';
// Output: Default  behavior:  c1 = a  c2 = b  c3 = c
// noskipws behavior:  c1 = a  c2 =    c3 = b

預設是 std::ios_base::skipws

std::quoted(s[, delim[, escape]]) [C++ 14] - 插入或提取帶有嵌入空格的帶引號的字串。

s - 要插入或提取的字串。
delim - 預設情況下用作分隔符的字元 "
escape - 預設情況下用作轉義字元的字元\

#include <sstream>
std::stringstream ss;
std::string in = "String with spaces, and embedded \"quotes\" too";
std::string out;
ss << std::quoted(in);
std::cout << "read in     [" << in << "]\n"
          << "stored as   [" << ss.str() << "]\n";
ss >> std::quoted(out);
std::cout << "written out [" << out << "]\n";
// Output:
// read in     [String with spaces, and embedded "quotes" too]
// stored as   ["String with spaces, and embedded \"quotes\" too"]
// written out [String with spaces, and embedded "quotes" too]
