
在 C++中,必須在使用前宣告或定義程式碼。例如,以下內容產生編譯時錯誤:

int main()
  foo(2); // error: foo is called, but has not yet been declared

void foo(int x) // this later definition is not known in main

有兩種方法可以解決這個問題:在 main() 中使用 foo() 之前定義或宣告 foo()。這是一個例子:

void foo(int x) {}  //Declare the foo function and body first

int main()
  foo(2); // OK: foo is completely defined beforehand, so it can be called here.


void foo(int);  // Prototype declaration of foo, seen by main
                // Must specify return type, name, and argument list types
int main()
  foo(2); // OK: foo is known, called even though its body is not yet defined

void foo(int x) //Must match the prototype
    // Define body of foo here



// foo.h
void foo(int); // prototype declaration


// foo.cpp --> foo.o
#include "foo.h" // foo's prototype declaration is "hidden" in here
void foo(int x) { } // foo's body definition

然後,一旦編譯,將相應的目標檔案 foo.o 連結到編譯目標檔案中,在連結階段使用它,main.o

// main.cpp --> main.o
#include "foo.h" // foo's prototype declaration is "hidden" in here
int main() { foo(2); } // foo is valid to call because its prototype declaration was beforehand.
// the prototype and body definitions of foo are linked through the object files
