
Unity 网络提供高级 API(HLA) 来处理从低级实现中抽象的网络通信。


HLA 允许我们轻松地序列化类并通过网络发送此类的对象。


这个类必须来自 MessageBase,在这个例子中我们只会在这个类中发送一个字符串。

using System;
using UnityEngine.Networking;

public class MyNetworkMessage : MessageBase
    public string message;


我们创建一个服务器来监听端口 9999,允许最多 10 个连接,并从我们的自定义类的网络中读取对象。

HLA 将不同类型的消息与 id 相关联。Unity Networking 的 MsgType 类中定义了默认消息类型。例如,连接类型具有 id 32,并且当客户端连接到服务器时在服务器中调用它,或者当它连接到服务器时在客户端中调用。你可以注册处理程序来管理不同类型的消息。

当你发送自定义类(如我们的情况)时,我们定义一个处理程序,其新 ID 与我们通过网络发送的类相关联。

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.Networking;

public class Server : MonoBehaviour {

    int port = 9999;
    int maxConnections = 10;

    // The id we use to identify our messages and register the handler
    short messageID = 1000;

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start () {
        // Usually the server doesn't need to draw anything on the screen
        Application.runInBackground = true;

    void CreateServer() {
        // Register handlers for the types of messages we can receive
        RegisterHandlers ();

        var config = new ConnectionConfig ();
        // There are different types of channels you can use, check the official documentation
        config.AddChannel (QosType.ReliableFragmented);
        config.AddChannel (QosType.UnreliableFragmented);

        var ht = new HostTopology (config, maxConnections);

        if (!NetworkServer.Configure (ht)) {
            Debug.Log ("No server created, error on the configuration definition");
        } else {
            // Start listening on the defined port
            if(NetworkServer.Listen (port))
                Debug.Log ("Server created, listening on port: " + port);   
                Debug.Log ("No server created, could not listen to the port: " + port);    

    void OnApplicationQuit() {
        NetworkServer.Shutdown ();

    private void RegisterHandlers () {
        // Unity have different Messages types defined in MsgType
        NetworkServer.RegisterHandler (MsgType.Connect, OnClientConnected);
        NetworkServer.RegisterHandler (MsgType.Disconnect, OnClientDisconnected);

        // Our message use his own message type.
        NetworkServer.RegisterHandler (messageID, OnMessageReceived);

    private void RegisterHandler(short t, NetworkMessageDelegate handler) {
        NetworkServer.RegisterHandler (t, handler);

    void OnClientConnected(NetworkMessage netMessage)
        // Do stuff when a client connects to this server

        // Send a thank you message to the client that just connected
        MyNetworkMessage messageContainer = new MyNetworkMessage();
        messageContainer.message = "Thanks for joining!";

        // This sends a message to a specific client, using the connectionId

        // Send a message to all the clients connected
        messageContainer = new MyNetworkMessage();
        messageContainer.message = "A new player has conencted to the server";

        // Broadcast a message a to everyone connected

    void OnClientDisconnected(NetworkMessage netMessage)
        // Do stuff when a client dissconnects

    void OnMessageReceived(NetworkMessage netMessage)
        // You can send any object that inherence from MessageBase
        // The client and server can be on different projects, as long as the MyNetworkMessage or the class you are using have the same implementation on both projects
        // The first thing we do is deserialize the message to our custom type
        var objectMessage = netMessage.ReadMessage<MyNetworkMessage>();
        Debug.Log("Message received: " + objectMessage.message);




using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;

public class Client : MonoBehaviour
    int port = 9999;
    string ip = "localhost";

    // The id we use to identify our messages and register the handler
    short messageID = 1000;

    // The network client
    NetworkClient client;

    public Client ()

    void CreateClient()
        var config = new ConnectionConfig ();

        // Config the Channels we will use
        config.AddChannel (QosType.ReliableFragmented);
        config.AddChannel (QosType.UnreliableFragmented);

        // Create the client ant attach the configuration
        client = new NetworkClient ();
        client.Configure (config,1);

        // Register the handlers for the different network messages

        // Connect to the server
        client.Connect (ip, port);

    // Register the handlers for the different message types
    void RegisterHandlers () {
        // Unity have different Messages types defined in MsgType
        client.RegisterHandler (messageID, OnMessageReceived);
        client.RegisterHandler(MsgType.Connect, OnConnected);
        client.RegisterHandler(MsgType.Disconnect, OnDisconnected);

    void OnConnected(NetworkMessage message) {        
        // Do stuff when connected to the server

        MyNetworkMessage messageContainer = new MyNetworkMessage();
        messageContainer.message = "Hello server!";

        // Say hi to the server when connected

    void OnDisconnected(NetworkMessage message) {
        // Do stuff when disconnected to the server

    // Message received from the server
    void OnMessageReceived(NetworkMessage netMessage)
        // You can send any object that inherence from MessageBase
        // The client and server can be on different projects, as long as the MyNetworkMessage or the class you are using have the same implementation on both projects
        // The first thing we do is deserialize the message to our custom type
        var objectMessage = netMessage.ReadMessage<MyNetworkMessage>();

        Debug.Log("Message received: " + objectMessage.message);