
如果你使用 PASSWORD_DEFAULT 方法让系统选择最佳算法来散列你的密码,因为默认值增加,你可能希望在用户登录时重新使用旧密码

// first determine if a supplied password is valid
if (password_verify($plaintextPassword, $hashedPassword)) {

    // now determine if the existing hash was created with an algorithm that is
    // no longer the default
    if (password_needs_rehash($hashedPassword, PASSWORD_DEFAULT)) {

        // create a new hash with the new default
        $newHashedPassword = password_hash($plaintextPassword, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);

        // and then save it to your data store

如果你的系统上没有 password_ *函数(并且你无法使用下面备注中链接的兼容包),则可以确定算法并使用类似于以下方法创建原始哈希:

if (substr($hashedPassword, 0, 4) == '$2y$' && strlen($hashedPassword) == 60) {
    echo 'Algorithm is Bcrypt';
    // the "cost" determines how strong this version of Bcrypt is
    preg_match('/\$2y\$(\d+)\$/', $hashedPassword, $matches);
    $cost = $matches[1];
    echo 'Bcrypt cost is '.$cost;