
与并行 for 循环(parfor)不同,它采用循环的迭代并在多个线程之间分配它们,单个程序,多个数据(spmd)语句接受一系列命令并将它们分配给所有线程,因此每个 thread 执行命令并存储结果。考虑一下:

poolobj = parpool(2);    % open a parallel pool with two workers

    q = rand(3);         % each thread generates a unique 3x3 array of random numbers

q{1}             % q is called like a cell vector
q{2}             % the values stored in each thread may be accessed by their index

delete(poolobj)  % if the pool is closed, then the data in q will no longer be accessible

重要的是要注意,每个线程可以在 spmd 块中通过其线程索引(也称为实验室索引或 labindex)进行访问:

poolobj = parpool(2);        % open a parallel pool with two workers

    q = rand(labindex + 1);  % each thread generates a unique array of random numbers

size(q{1})                   % the size of q{1} is 2x2
size(q{2})                   % the size of q{2} is 3x3

delete(poolobj)              % q is no longer accessible

在这两个示例中,q 是一个复合对象 ,可以使用命令 q = Composite() 进行初始化。请务必注意,只有在池运行时才能访问复合对象。