

struct S {
    ~S() { std::cout << "destroying S\n"; }
int main() {
    S s;
} // UB: s destroyed a second time here

std::unique_ptr<T> 指向具有自动或静态存储持续时间的 T 时,会出现类似的问题。

void f(std::unique_ptr<S> p);
int main() {
    S s;
    std::unique_ptr<S> p(&s);
    f(std::move(p)); // s destroyed upon return from f
}                    // UB: s destroyed

另一种两次销毁对象的方法是让两个 shared_ptr 都管理对象而不互相共享所有权。

void f(std::shared_ptr<S> p1, std::shared_ptr<S> p2);
int main() {
    S* p = new S;
    // I want to pass the same object twice...
    std::shared_ptr<S> sp1(p);
    std::shared_ptr<S> sp2(p);
    f(sp1, sp2);
} // UB: both sp1 and sp2 will destroy s separately
// NB: this is correct:
// std::shared_ptr<S> sp(p);
// f(sp, sp);