typedef 的更复杂用法

typedef 声明与普通变量和函数声明具有相同语法的规则可用于读取和写入更复杂的声明。

void (*f)(int);         // f has type "pointer to function of int returning void"
typedef void (*f)(int); // f is an alias for "pointer to function of int returning void"


void (Foo::*pmf)(int);         // pmf has type "pointer to member function of Foo taking int
                               // and returning void"
typedef void (Foo::*pmf)(int); // pmf is an alias for "pointer to member function of Foo
                               // taking int and returning void"


void (Foo::*Foo::f(const char*))(int);
int (&g())[100];

typedef 可用于使它们更易于读写:

typedef void (Foo::pmf)(int);  // pmf is a pointer to member function type
pmf Foo::f(const char*);       // f is a member function of Foo

typedef int (&ra)[100];        // ra means "reference to array of 100 ints"
ra g();                        // g returns reference to array of 100 ints