
通过注入 $filter,Angular 模块中的任何已定义过滤器都可以用于控制器,服务,指令甚至其他过滤器。

  .service("users", usersService)
  .controller("UsersController", UsersController);

function usersService () {
  this.getAll = function () {
    return [{
      id: 1,
      username: "john"
    }, {
      id: 2,
      username: "will"
    }, {
      id: 3,
      username: "jack"

function UsersController ($filter, users) {
  var orderByFilter = $filter("orderBy");

  this.users = orderByFilter(users.getAll(), "username");
  // Now the users are ordered by their usernames: jack, john, will

  this.users = orderByFilter(users.getAll(), "username", true);
  // Now the users are ordered by their usernames, in reverse order: will, john, jack